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The WebBus!

The WebBus

Frequently used:


The superior Webbus™ • Notices: We now have a refresh button in the top right corner! • The only accepted plurals of Webbus are Webbi or Webbo. • Nova Webbus link now has a warning sign. • This is not a common room. • ClassCharts has had web address tomfoolery, so I moved the link to the login page. • Did you know? Neocities is named after a popular web-host from back-in-the-day, called geocities, which was owned by Yahoo. The more you know! • Bees • Now we have a "featured" section, for cool stuff that needs attention. Oh, and a frequently used one but it isn't actually true yet - I cannot figure out how to save to neocities. • All the links are gone! Just kidding, I moved them so the website looks nicer. • These darn themes not saving again... • More Lynx! Sorry, Links! Also Bee Movie Script now has a link again! (And some educational links or whatever, but who cares?) • Man, I love the chaos theme on Neocities... • UMP now has a lil' link at the top o'th'page! Check it out! • Here's Johnny! • Due to a shortage of Swede, Sweden has been reduced to n. Sorry for the inconvenience!